To my sweet friend Tiffany,
Our little Tate woke up crying in the middle of the night last night. This is not a common thing anymore. Joseph and I just stayed in bed, assuming it would quickly go away. After Joseph rolled over and grunted for the third time I decided to see what was going on. I walked in and found Tate standing at the front of the crib pretty much hysterical. I tried to lay him down, but he wasn't going for that. I decided to just pick him up and rock him for a minute (a note: I wouldn't normally do this, except he really is a great sleeper, and has been for well over a year, and I WANTED to!). Talee quickly realized that her brother wasn't in bed and was getting special treatment and she wanted out too. I picked her up and layed her on the other side of my knee. There I was in the middle of the night rocking my 2 sweet babies, that are now 20 months old and quickly growing off my lap. They were both quickly asleep, but I wasn't ready to put them back in bed. I sat there for quite a while, just rocking those SWEET babies! While there I was thinking about you Tiffany, and your first night in the hospital with your sweet new twins. I thought about how small mine started, just one ounce off of each of your babies, and how big they have become (well, relatively speaking they are big - even though they are still just about 22-23ish pounds). I thought about bringing them home from the hospital and thinking to myself how insane this ride was going to be - and is has been! I remembered trying to figure out how to nurse two babies, carry two babies, get two babies to sleep, and the hardest - toning out two screaming babies so I could get dinner on the table for the others! This luckily you will not have to worry about. I also thought about how much those babies just LOVED and needed me!! Nobody was more important or necessary to them then ME!!!
I thought about you with your 2 new sweet babies and this new journey you are beginning as a first time mom - and how these babies that I was holding were soon not going to be my babies anymore. Yes, I cried! You will love this journey, just remember that when everything seems out of control. You will remember it most often during those quiet nursings, when both your babies are snuggled up close to you. This experience I will NEVER forget! Tiffany, I just wanted you to know I was thinking about you, and a little envious of you holding your tiny twins just hours old. You are a very blessed and lucky woman! Tiffany - get some sleep, lean on your family and friends, and hold and rock those babies. They won't be babies long!
Remember nothing happens by accident! You can do it! Congratulations, we love you!!!
This is a picture of my babies just hours old!
I just loved this post....
I truly can't imagine what it must have been like having two little babies at the same time, double the trouble, but double the blessings. I do know what it's like being a twin and I wouldn't change it for my life. Twins have a special bond I know that for sure, my twin is my other half I can't imagine a life without her.
umm i'm crying. you are beautiful lisa. i love you
You inspire me, Lisa. I always want to be better and do better after hearing from you. Thank you.
Oh, my heck!! You have done it. I haven't really cried while in the hospital and after reading your post I can't stop the water works. I just can't get over how sweet you are and how nice your words are. You are truly a great friend and I just love you and hope that friendship never fades. I hope I can only be half the amazing mom and person you are. I have always looked up to you and you will always be on a pedestal in my eyes. After you left the hospital, my mom and I couldn't stop gushing over how amazing of a person you are and that you are the type of person I will always want in my life, so promise you won't try to get rid of me!! I love our twin bond and appreciate everything you have done for me and my little family. You really are the best Lisa and thank you so much for this post, it means so much to me!!
Thanks Lisa, you are amazing! Tiffany really does look up to you and is so grateful for your friendship.
Beautiful post, I don't know if I cried more after reading this or when I realized all the pumpkin bread was gone :)
Thanks again for the pump too!
OK...sniffle sniffle. I am in tears at the sweet remembrances. It is a blessed thing to have two babies to love at the same time. Thanks for sharing.
i am both jealous and amazed (also in tears). what a special experience you mothers of twins get to have. you are amazing and your family is blessed to call you mom. miss ya and send lots of love
My amazing sister, How I love you! You are such a beautiful mom! You inspire me, I can't wait to see all those babies, hopefully soon! Love you!
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