Sunday, July 11, 2010

Michigan Visit

We had 2 days left of Joseph's break and wanted to go visit my sister and her family who just moved from Utah to Michigan for a residency program. We haven't seen each other for a year, so it was great to get together. The kids had a blast playing and on Saturday we went to "Independence Lake" which is only a few minutes from there house. It was perfect for kids ... lots of sand, shallow water, grass, and they even had a little splashy park in the same area. The kids were in heaven!!!
We even got to stop and visit our good friends the Hulls who recently moved to MI on our way home. It was a quick visit, but GREAT to see them.Thanks for the dinner ... and sorry for the throw up on the new recliner, drive way, and on the porch. Yes, Talee decided to be sick as we were packing up to return home Saturday. Poor thing.

WARNING >>> WARNING >>> WARNING - the next picture is GROSS! But, I had to take a picture because it was almost comical. Not that she was sick, but that Joseph was holding her when it happened. Lucky man ... AGAIN!She was so tired she slept most of the way home without throwing up. She did toss her lunch in her bed when we got home, but at least it wasn't in the car. That we are grateful for! All in all, it was a wonderful trip. Thanks for letting us come!


Eric and Jenny said...

Yes that picture is very comical, sometimes on the most craziest of days I always think to myself 10 years ago if you could see what was to come....luckily there are so many more moments that make all the crazy worth it times ten!

Anonymous said...

Wow, looks like life has been really eventful at your house. Fun summer.

Katie Morgan said...

How fun to go see Tricia! How far away is she from you?? I LOVE the throw up one and I LOVE LOVE your family picture!!! Love and miss you!!

Anonymous said...

I'm cracking p at the vomit-on-the-shoulder picture!!! It happens to the best of us...

Sara Liechty said...

I must admit I am very jealous you 2 live closer than I do to either of you! But I am so glad you got to spend some time together! The kids are darling and I can't wait to see you both again! Love you!

Michelle Perry said...

How fun for you and Tricia to live close enough for get togethers. Family is everything don't you think?

Steve and Rebecca said...

Glad you guys are having a fun summer!!