Sunday, November 30, 2008
"The Incline"

Pittsburgh is a beautiful city. Situated between 3 rivers, Pittsburgh is full of bridges, and tunnels and beautiful sites. This weekend we took the kids to the "Duquesne Incline." The Incline is a rail car that was built in 1877 as a way to provide safe, reliable, rapid public transportation, via funicular railway to the residents and businesses of the Duquesne Heights and Mount Washington sections of the City of Pittsburgh. Utilizing two original, 1877 cable cars, the Duquesne Incline is a working museum. The top of "the Incline" overlooks the beautiful Golden Triangle of Downtown Pittsburgh, and surrounding area including the upper Ohio River valley and lower Allegheny River Valley, it was ranked the second most beautiful view in America by USA Weekend Magazine. Come visit and we will take you!!!!!
I Could Just Eat them UP!!!
"Popcorn, Popcorn"
It has been so great to have Joseph home all week. We had a much anticipated movie night and watched "Ariel, the Beginning." Of course, that was Joseph's choice. We had a fun time eating popcorn and snuggling in a million blankets on the floor. Malea and Eva showed us how to shake it, while booging to Sebastians under sea band. But, why is it that every time you do something fun and keep the kids up a little later than bedtime - it's always tears during bedtime. Oh, well. we still had a great time.

Back to Kentucky
Well, you all know how temperamental pregnant ladies are. And although I feel pretty even tempered, I too have major break-downs. Joseph came home from school one evening to find one such Lisa. I was sitting on the couch in tears, still not able to talk. After he determined that I wasn't in pain, he waited patiently (what a good husband) until I could tell him what was wrong. When I told him I was on-line the last few hours looking at "blogs" - he sat back in relief. I know silly - but I missed my friends. He decided that I needed to "fill my tank" with hugs before the babies came. So, he sent me back to Kentucky. I took the girls and we traveled 6 1/2 hours from Wed. late until Sunday late. We stayed with the Marcum family who was so gracious to let us crash and destroy their house. A baby shower was planned (SOOOOO NICE.) Thanks Amber, Angela, Donnia, and all others who helped and came. It was such a fun evening, and so GREAT to see old friends and catch up on the last few months. I am so grateful to have lived in Lexington and count those friends as some of my fondest. Thank you for your love. It was a fun trip and I even got to sneak away from the kids to go see "Twilight." Thanks guys, I love you!
Watch Out World - Here Comes Eva
So, I guess the other morning I was not fast enough to do Eva's hair. She doesn't have much - but we usually spike the middle up a little. Since I was taking too long, she decided to get it done herself.

Then, a few days later I left my makeup bag on our bathroom counter (you would think after 3 girls I would learn). Here was the result:
Then, a few days later I left my makeup bag on our bathroom counter (you would think after 3 girls I would learn). Here was the result:
Needless, to say - the eye shadow was completely obliterated. But, wow - she was sure proud of her new look.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Week 26 - 27
It's crazy to think that I still have so long to go in this pregnancy! But, I guess in reality - 37 weeks being full-term for twins - really isn't that far away. I have been feeling great - my veins, have given me a bit of a break from pain, and I am only now starting to feel my ribs getting pushed. We had a doctors appointment and ultrasound last Wednesday, and the ultrasound said the baby boy is weighing close to 1 lb. 11 oz. and the baby girl 1 lb. 9 oz. For being this far along, I thought that was tiny. And, they are in the 34% and the 26% as far as averages for 26 weeks. So they are smaller than average, but they say they are measuring fine for twins. It's always fun to see them in ultrasound - Just a miracle! 

Pittsburgh Zoo
It took us awhile, but we finally made it to one of Pittsburgh's many attractions. THE ZOO! Of course the kids love it, and one of the best parts was the 2 babies elephants that were born within the past 6 months or so. They are so tiny, and so cute!!! We also just happened to go on a "zooboo" day, so they were handing out candy for the kids. The kids couldn't have been happier!
Pie Party
Pie Anyone?
We had a really fun pie night over at our house a week or so ago. It's kind of strange, but of the 16 or so first year LDS dental students, non of them ended up in our ward. So, in order to get to know them better - we decided "who doesn't like pie?" We had a great turn-out. About 25 adults plus kids - and lots of PIE!!!! We had a great time!
Group photo - (minus Joseph and assorted kids)
The "wives"
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