Sunday, April 19, 2009
"Tu Tu" Cute - "tu tu" Scratchy
Easter baskets this year included cute Tu Tu's for the girls. I had high hopes that because they dance around the house all day long - that this would be a fun addition to their dress-ups and leotards. The truth is - they turned out cute when I finished them, but once the girls got them on - the tulle stuck together and made the skirt look all crazy and the girls think they are too scratchy and they haven't hardly worn them. SOOOO SAD! So, if you are thinking about making a tu tu, call me first and I will tell you what not to use!
Conference Fun
We love General Conference weekend. We not only enjoyed listening to the Prophet and church leaders at home - but also all the fun traditions that go along with being at as a family for the weekend.
Yummy Cinnamon rolls!
Conference Bingo (and sleepy dad)
Listening in a tent (like King Benjamin's People)
Eva in Panties
So, after Eva going potty on the toilet on and off for the last few months, I finally decided to try her in panties before she decided that she didn't like the potty anymore. She is not by any means totally potty trained - but I have to say, I think she is doing great. YEAH! Eva (and the girls if they help) get 1 starburst when she goes pee, and 2 when she poops. Malea asked the other day if they could get 3 if she goes diarrhea. Anything, to get more candy!!

Friday, April 3, 2009
Twins 2 months
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