Then of course on Wednesday afternoon Tate woke up from a nap and felt warm. I took his temperature and it was 99.9. Which is really low grade, but for a 4 week old baby it is a little scary. So, after a very long and sad night for him I took his temperature in the morning and it was 100.6. So, I called the doctor - because in my past 3 visits with the twins (for weight checks) the Pediatrician said to call if the temperature was over 100. So, I took Tate in and after our visit - he said that he was going to call the Emergency room and have us go over and do some blood work to make sure he was ok. Mostly because he was so young and his immune system is so immature. So, long story short - they ended up giving him an IV, did blood work, took a urine sample, and even did a spinal tap to check for meningitis. This was of course a very scary and emotional experience for me!!! I was very grateful that Joseph and a kind friend were able to give him a priesthood blessing. Then we were admitted to the hospital so they could observe him overnight until the results came back.
The preliminary results came back that everything was looking fine (so they took his IV out and said we could most likely go home in the am.) Then that night around 11pm - they came back and told us the urinalysis came back positive for bacteria. (So, of course they had to give him another IV so they could start antibiotics - this time not in his arm but in his head.) So, now the question was what kind of bacteria or if it was a contaminated urine sample. So, we had to stay 48 hours until the bacteria culture grew. When we got to the hospital Tate was not showing any symptoms of a viral infection - but while we were there he started with a little cough and runny nose. Which all the doctors told us - "he probably has just what everyone else in your home has - but, what if he doesn't and we miss something - we don't want him to be that baby." Which I totally agree with - I would rather be safe than sorry. We had great doctors and nurses and are very grateful that he didn't have anything more than a cold.
So, today the culture came back negative and we took our sweet baby back home. He is doing great and now we are just praying that the twins colds won't turn into anything else - I DON'T want to end up back in the hospital next week!!!!! We were so lucky that Joseph's mom is still here and we were able to swap staying with the kids here at home and watching Tate in the hospital. Thank you mom!!!
Lisa! I am so glad that Tate is back home and nothing more serious was wrong! I am sure that was so scary! I hope they both continue to do well and get over their colds quickly! If you need anything PLEASE let us know! We want to come see your babies sometime... we've just been waiting until all your family's gone so we aren't in the way. You'll have to let us know when would be a good time!
Oh my gosh, how scary! When Colt was 2 weeks old, I took him in for his "well check" and the dr. checked him for RSV after seeing some symptoms (that I totally had not seen myself) and he had to be in the hospital for a week on oxygen and getting his nose sucked out ever hour. So I know how you feel, it is so horrible to see a baby that little so sick. I am glad you got through it and he is doing better! Thinking about you and your LOUD house, at lease I can imagine it is loud with FIVE KIDS! WOW! Miss you!
I'm glad everything came back ok. We had a couple of scares with Gray and I don't wish that on anyone. You look great in the pictures. So glad you still have family in town helping out!
I'm so sorry to hear about that! I can totally simpathize with you about the hospital stay and all the IV's and stuff. There is nothing worse than to feel that you can't do anything for your child. Having to sit back and watch your child poked and prodded is the worst feeling ever!!! When we were at the hospital with Parker and he pulled the tube out of his nose, it too 3 nurses and my mom to hold him down and get it back in. I was A HYSTERICAL!! I had to leave the room and walk WAY down the hall. I'm so glad my mom was there. So I TOTALLY know how hard it was for you. I hope he is better now. It was SO good to talk to you the other day. I hope we get to see you this summer! LOVE YA!
Poor little guy, I started getting emotional reading about that scary experience. I'm glad it ended well. Is there anything we can do? Please, please let me know.
My oh my, that is so scary!! I can't imagine!!! I'm glad he is home and with his twin...she will help him get better...that pic is SO CUTE!!! Okay, miss you and I'll call soon! :)
I'm so glad Tate's ok. We had a smiliar experience with Kristen as a newborn. It's a roller coaster of emotion! I hope everyone can get better! Adorable pictures of the twins together!
Thank goodness the kids are ok. Anything like that is so scary!! Anyway, I just wanted to drop in and say congrats...a month late. You look amazing. :)
xoxo - Tristin
Crazy and scary. We'll send prayers your way hoping you all stay healthy for awhile.
I'm glad to hear the babies are doing well after your hospital scare. The pictures are so cute!! What a beautiful family!
Oh wow, I'm so glad everything is ok, how scary! Hopefully everyone in your house is well soon!
Hope everyone is healthy now! We are thinking of you.
Wish we were closer to help and support. It's the pits to have mutliple people sick at a time. So glad Tate is home from the hosptial with just a cold. You look wonderful! Thanks for posting such darling pics!! It's sooo fun to stay connected.
Such fun times. So glad everyone is OK. Love the pictures. It makes me so sad that you are not hear for us to share in the journey. They are so cute. They look alot more alike then mine did. Miss you guys. You look amazing. Just remember the Lord knew you could handle it when he sent them to you and you will do great.
Oh No! So sorry to hear about little Tate. That is so hard to handle Lisa--I hope you're doing alright. Wish I were there to help but I think of you a lot.
It's great to hear that everything's ok. Adam told me about Tate being hospitalized and that would be scary. Do you need anything, let me know. I bet life is so crazy. I can sympathize with the showers, I might take one every day, but for a while there I was only washing my hair every three or four days, wow.
Beautiful family!
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