1. He loves to share his food with me.
2. He's handsome.
3. He's working hard on the basement.
4. He picked a good job.
5. He chose a good wife. :-)
6. He has nice muscles.
7. He listens to Jesus.
8. He gives us special blessings.
9. He tell us good stories at night.
10. He's patient. ;-)
11. He dances funny.
12. I like his hair. ( he just buzzed it)
13. I like his hugs and kisses.
14. He's good at cleaning my teeth.
I wish I was writing them down in the car ... they were very creative and very sweet. The girls sure love their dad and are very lucky to have him! I am too!!
I love reading your blog Lisa. And PS, your header picture.... so dang cute. How in the world are you so thin? Tell me your secret.
AHHH! I LOVE the new family pictures! SO MUCH! I want to see MORE!
Reading your blogs gives us the most excitement we get all day! Did I tell you that Roger's son-in law is in dental school at Duke Univ. and is on a semester in China? (Roger is the grand owner of all the cabins.)
His wife and toddler are with him. Care to give it a try? Wow! You could solve all the political unrest with your smiles. Your family is beautiful. Love, Grams & Grumps
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