A few friends and I are doing a little one day a week preschool for our little three year olds. Eva feels like such a BIG GIRL!!! She is really growing up and we just LOVE her!
I made some oreo bon bon's this weekend. As many of you know, once you start the process you can't stop. My fingers were filthy, so I couldn't exactly stop Tate from getting his all dirty either. So yes, I finished making the bon bons, washed my hands - and then took a picture. Why didn't I stop him you ask??? Because there was a ton of flour all over the place anyway - why not snap a quick picture first! By the way - they were DELICIOUS!!!
For Joseph's Birthday this year we attended the annual fall ASDA Dental picnic. They had a fun carnival theme for the kids and Joseph was even voted by his class to participate in a pie eating contest. He lost by seconds - but, had a lot of fun with it! Unfortunately, I was his LOVELY assistant so we only have one picture (so if you are reading this and have some - please pass them along!!). You can see the youtube video below! Thanks Adam for the cinematography!
Oh, I just LOVE them!!! They were just sitting here so cute playing blocks next to each other - I couldn't help but take their picture. I just LOVE them!