Sunday, September 19, 2010

Kiah Loses 2 More Teeth!

After - Away they go!


NJ said...

Wahoo Kiah!! All that work as babies to get them in, only to have them fall out! Hopefully she'll keep enough to eat before the new ones come in!

ryan and berni said...

I bet Joseph loved performing that tooth extraction!

Isn't it awesome how kids are so stinkin cute even when they are missing teeth. I miss your kids!

And you of course :)

Grams and Grumps said...

It was so much fun hearing your voices last night! Bet the Tooth Fairy was plenty busy at your house! Is it still a quarter or has inflation hit hit? Love, Us in Orem

Kristen said...

Wow she's doing great! I can't believe she was still smiling while it was being pulled. Emily hasn't even got any loose teeth yet, hmm, I wonder why?
By the way, I'm drooling over those oreo bonbon pictures!! Those kids are growing up so fast and so cute!!

Brittany said...

lisa! i just discovered your blog. i love it! what cute kids you have. hope you are doing well!!

KevDebKlan said...

Super cute pics. Lex lost her 3rd tooth last night. Her front one as well. They are so cute without their fron teeth. Love the flour pics and bon bons. Boy do I have a few of those pictures my self. Last week it was spraying water across my entire kitchen with the hose on my sink. My cupboards got a mandatory wipe down but didn't really help my day any. So much fun. We miss you guys.