Sunday, January 18, 2009
Baby Update
NO BABIES YET!!!!!! I am very sorry to report that we do not have any babies yet!!! We have had a bit of an emotional week discovering that all health care professionals are not created equal. I had an appointment 2 weeks ago and the midwife told me the OB docs would allow inductions for twins after 38 weeks - so, she told me we would set something up for Monday (tomorrow.) Then, this last week I had an appointment with another midwife who did not share the same view and was very vocal and quite mean about it. Needless to say, I left my appointment in tears with a return appointment for Tuesday. I understand her concern for the babies staying inside as long as possible, but I feel she had no concern for me or my feelings, and was quite uncompassionate in her approach in expressing her opinions. She did call the next day and said "I spoke with the previous midwife, and the OB docs - and our policy is that we will not induce until after 39 weeks." It wasn't so much what the policy was, but I feel like she called just to prove that she was right and the previous midwife had misspoke. Blah, Blah,Blah... anyway, all is well. I am anxious for the babies to come on their own so I don't have to be induced - and we are trying to get them here ASAP!!! I am still doing good - very big, very sore, and very tired - but I can still move and that is good. My sweet sister-in-laws Sarah and Tarah (joseph's twin sisters) came this week to help out before the babies (and my mom came.) We were of course hoping that my mom would come on Thursday night and the babies would come Friday so they could at least see them before they had to leave to AZ Saturday - but alas! ***** this just in**** the Steelers just won the AFC Championship - we're going to the Super Bowl.**** Anyway, we will keep you updated... they will be here soon!
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OH LISA!!! You poor thing! You're such a trooper!!
Your belly has grown, but you certainly have not. You look incredible and you're an incredible person for sticking this out AND having such a positive attitude.
PS...You're going to have to change the name of your blog soon! :)
Serious. Lisa girl you hang in there.
PS GO Cardinals! That is exciting!
I'm sorry Lisa! I swear those women who are like that have never been pregnant themselves! We love you guys and wish we could be there to help out some here and there. Hang in there!!!
I love you sis! Hang in there! Talk to you soon!
Can I just say you look fabulous! I can't believe how thin you have stayed through every part of your body but the babies! Amazing! Hope you go into labor tonight. :)
The whole business with being or not being induced sounds crazy to me---so sorry its even been an issue BUT hang in there--can't wait to see those cute babies. You look great! Wish I were there to help out with your girls!!
The last few weeks are the worst! Hang in there, you know it'll all be over very soon! Good luck!
HI Westovers- I hope you do't mind I found your blog through someone else's blog. IT is funny because Rob and I were just talking about you all the other day and wondering how you are doing. You look very busy! Twins, WOW! We hope everything is going well, we are thinking of you :)
I can't even imagine...I know what it is like being 9 months pregnant with 1 baby. Hang in there!! You look beautiful!!
It's about time your belly looks like your having twins, but still doesn't look like full term twins :) I wonder if our kids will be born on the same day. I'm hoping it's just SOON for both of our sakes. I admire your patience in waiting it out!I've been at a 2 and 70% this week and will see the Dr tomorrow, wish me luck.
You're a trooper and always have such a good attitude. It's frustrating when your health care providers don't share the same qualities. We are thinking of you!!!
Hi Lisa!!! I found your blog through Kendyl's, and I can't believe that you are having twins! You may have already had them by now. That is so exciting. Wow 5 kids..I have 2 and I think I'm crazy to even be thinking about going for a third.
You look great and you have such a darling family. It was fun to see what you have been up to. We have a blog too, but it is private for now. Send me an email to and I'll send you an invite. Good luck with the babies--I can't wait to see pictures!
Kris (Daly) Perley
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