Lisa the night before delivery - 39 weeks
Lisa getting ready for excitement
We went to the hospital Wed. (1/28) morning around 10:30 for a scheduled induction. I was dilated to a 4 and 90% effaced. They placed my epidural (highly recommended with twins) started my IV, and monitored me for awhile. Then we decided to break my water around 12:30 instead of inducing with pitocin. They monitored my after for about an hour and I was still not having any contractions that were serious. I was then able to get out of bed and I decided to do a few laps around the halls to try and get things going. It was actually quite funny, I started off pretty slow, and then after 5 or 6 laps with nothing happening - I decided to pick up the pace. I had everyone in the halls laughing at me, counting my laps, timing me, etc. I made 18 laps before they told me I needed more monitoring. All the while, I still wasn't feeling my contractions.

I was monitored for another little while and then was able to get up and do more laps. By now, I was starting to feel a few, but nothing serious. I again began walking and this time it was much slower and I started to have to stop and breath through some of the contractions. Joseph and I decided that walking had done it's job and we returned to my room. I bounced on the exercise ball for a little while and then around 3:30 or so I decided to have my epidural activated. By the time my epidural was activated I was between an 8 and a 9 and they were ready to move me to the Operating Room for delivery. So, the epidural did not have time to activate.
I was monitored for another little while and then was able to get up and do more laps. By now, I was starting to feel a few, but nothing serious. I again began walking and this time it was much slower and I started to have to stop and breath through some of the contractions. Joseph and I decided that walking had done it's job and we returned to my room. I bounced on the exercise ball for a little while and then around 3:30 or so I decided to have my epidural activated. By the time my epidural was activated I was between an 8 and a 9 and they were ready to move me to the Operating Room for delivery. So, the epidural did not have time to activate.
Once in the operating room things for me were a little intense. I really shouldn't complain because I pushed 4-5 times and our little Tate Joseph was born, and then 21 minutes later Talee Grace was born. But, of course it seemed a lot longer to me. After Tate was born, the docs did some external and internal manipulations to figure out what position Talee was in - they discovered that her hands were above her head and she was trying to dive out. Amazingly when they broke her water bag, she came down into position quick and her hands moved out of the way. She was posterior (her face was up instead of down), but luckily we were still able to deliver without having to c-section her. WOW!!! There were 17 people in the room for the delivery. Yes, 17!! From Joseph, mom and I to the docs, midwifes, nurses for everyone, anesthesia (in case of c-section), pediatricians, and of course a number of residents. They held a very big party for the occasion!!!!!
And, I am so grateful that it is done and they are here. MIRACLES!
I am tired and sore - and innumerable blessed!!!
Congrats! Congrats! Congrats! I was thinking about you two today. You are amazing and will do great things with your not so little family. Glad they arrived safe and sound and I'm just sorry you're not here for me to see them. ROAD TRIP! :-) Congrats.
Congratulations! I'm so glad things went well, no c-section, etc.
Good luck with the next year!
ps We want to see the babies!
Congrats! So exciting!
I love you Lisa and am so grateful for the safe and healthy delivery of your beautiful babies!
You are such a super woman! Congratulations! I am glad to hear all are doing well! Such cute babies!
Hooray! That really is an amazing delivery. So fast, and without an epidural. You're amazing! What a blessing. Enjoy :)
So glad you had such a "private" delivery with 17 people watching! Fun for you. Sorry to hear the epidural didn't work.
Wow! reading this was like flashbacks of my own life. I remember all to clear. I am so grateful that everything went so smooth. Seriously it sounds just like my delivery. Mine were even 21 minutes apart!!!! Funny huh! I remember looking at them wondering how they both fit before they were born and being so amazed and thinking that is was impossible for there to be two. So much fun. I wish I could have my tiny twins back. DOn't worry. every step is soooo fun. They are so cute. Congrats you guys. Give me a call when you are up to it. I would love to talk to you. Did they have to stay at all or are you home? They look amazing!!
Congratulations! I loved all the deatails. I can't believe you went until 39 weeks. You were made to have twins!!
It was interesting to know why there was 21 min. between each baby. I think what I worried most about when the girls arrived was getting Kaitlyn out since she was the heavier baby, but was Baby B. My friend in Louisville had one vaginal and one by c-section and that was in my mind as I tried to push Kaitlyn out. Thankfully I didn't need a c-section on either of my set of twins.
Yes, it will be crazy for a while, but you are blessed and we could not be happier for you. So glad your mom is there.
We love you guys!! Congrats!!
PS Rich had to wear that same type of space suit when the girls were born in Louisville. Fun to see they have the stylish look in PA.
I love birthing stories! Congratulations again! Makes me want another one!
I am so excited for you. It would have been a sight seeing you do laps around the hospital! It definitely put a smile on my face just reading about it. I wonder if Talee will be a diver/swimmer!
You look so happy with your now a bit bigger family!!! Glad your mom could be there to help!
Lots of love!
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