We thought it would be fun to get together with our friends the Nelsons, who had their little son Paxton a day before the twins, and were our neighbors in the hospital. We are so glad our sweet friends the Gneitings joined us for the celebration too. Devin's birthday was the same day as the twins! And yes, the kids love him because he is a monkey too!
The little Birthday Monkeys
The Cakes
We enjoyed a yummy strawberry roll that Jessica brought and a monkeys favorite food - Banana Splits.
Talee gagged on her cake and then threw it on the floor.
Tate loved it so much he licked his plate clean.
Kiah and Malea made special birthday hats for the babies. Tate loved his!
Then, a little milk to wash it all down! I am sure Tate was wishing it was chocolate!
Sweet dreams our darling little Monkeys!!!