I have another ultrasound on Friday, so we will see how big they are. I am sure they are at least 5 lbs. each. Let me tell you - it is getting darn tight in there.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Belly Near Popping - 34 1/2 weeks
I have another ultrasound on Friday, so we will see how big they are. I am sure they are at least 5 lbs. each. Let me tell you - it is getting darn tight in there.
Christmas at the Westovers
We had a wonderful Christmas. The kids were excited and they even sleep in until 8:00am. That never happens - it by far my favorite present of all!!! Here were a few highlights.
Smiling Kids and Husband

Malea is our puzzle girl and loved this giant Barbie puzzle. But, I have to say I think the biggest highlight for her, was the Hubba Bubba Bubble gum. She spent more time with that bubble gum package on Christmas than anything else. I am happy to say, it is all gone!!!
And, hands down - the highlight for Eva, was the candy. She went from her stocking, to Kiah's stocking, to Malea's stocking and on and on!!!
Later that afternoon we had two families from our ward over for Christmas dinner. Rod and Stephanie Griffeth are here doing an Oral Surgery Residency program, and Billy and Kristy Hull are in their 3rd year of Dental School. We had yummy food, played a fast and furious game of "Pit" - which I won, I have to say. It was a fun time!
Smiling Kids and Husband
Kiah and Malea each got easels from Santa. The girls are very talented "artists" and the easels will definitely get a lot of use.

Kiah's favorite gift was by far, the ballerina music box that her daddy gave her.
Kiah's favorite gift was by far, the ballerina music box that her daddy gave her.
Malea is our puzzle girl and loved this giant Barbie puzzle. But, I have to say I think the biggest highlight for her, was the Hubba Bubba Bubble gum. She spent more time with that bubble gum package on Christmas than anything else. I am happy to say, it is all gone!!!
Later that afternoon we had two families from our ward over for Christmas dinner. Rod and Stephanie Griffeth are here doing an Oral Surgery Residency program, and Billy and Kristy Hull are in their 3rd year of Dental School. We had yummy food, played a fast and furious game of "Pit" - which I won, I have to say. It was a fun time!
Trip to the PPG Ice Rink
Pittsburgh has a lot of fun things to do, especially during the holidays. We took our kids last week to the PPG (Pittsburgh Plate Glass) Ice Rink in downtown Pittsburgh. The Ice Rink is outdoor and is encircled by beautiful glass buildings. The rink itself has a huge Christmas tree in the middle, and the lights and glass made everything sparkle. It was quite beautiful and I was envious that Joseph and I weren't there on a date, not that I could have skated anyway. Kiah and Malea ice skated with their daddy. Malea was a little young and was done after 5 or 6 times around. But, Kiah loved it and asked if we could go again the next night (but, it wasn't exactly free - so this will have to be a once a year activity). She thought she was hot stuff and doing so great at "learning how to skate." Joseph didn't burst her bubble and tell her she wasn't doing a thing - he was holding and pushing her around the entire time. After the kids skated we walked next door to the Winter Garden and enjoyed a display of gingerbread houses, and Santa's from all over the world. We will definitely make this a tradition and do it again next year. Anyone is free to join us!!!

Christmas "Love" Labor
So, Joseph has been spending several hours a day working on our basement. He has hopes of having the bathroom finished before school starts again on the 5th. Then as time goes on, he will work on finishing the back bedroom/playroom, laundry area, etc. He has been working hard and I am very excited to have another bathroom. Tomorrow he is going to sheet rock, etc. I didn't realize how many steps go into a project like this. I sure love and appreciate all the hours he has been working. This will be his last major break for a long time. Here are some pics of the progress.
Digging the trenches for the underground plumbing
The walls for the bathroom go up
The tub goes in, electrical and finished plumbing completed (don't worry we will not be using the toilet in the tub - you can still come visit!!!)
The door is hung :-)
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Tag of Twos
I'm not very good at these tags. But they are so fun to read... here it goes:
Two names you go by: 1."MoMMMMEEE" 2. Joseph's wife
Two things you are wearing right now: 1. warm slippers 2. an unstrapped bra (under my shirt)
Two things you want right now: 1. a bra that fit 2. to sleep on my tummy
Two things you did last night: 1. made a baby bracelet 2. watch Joseph put the walls for our basement bathroom up
Two things you ate today: 1. oreo bon bon 2. chicken lasagna
Two favorite drinks: 1. ice cold water 2. raspberry lemonade
Two people I tag: 1. sarah 2. tarah
Two names you go by: 1."MoMMMMEEE" 2. Joseph's wife
Two things you are wearing right now: 1. warm slippers 2. an unstrapped bra (under my shirt)
Two things you want right now: 1. a bra that fit 2. to sleep on my tummy
Two things you did last night: 1. made a baby bracelet 2. watch Joseph put the walls for our basement bathroom up
Two things you ate today: 1. oreo bon bon 2. chicken lasagna
Two favorite drinks: 1. ice cold water 2. raspberry lemonade
Two people I tag: 1. sarah 2. tarah
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Pittsburgh Baby Shower
Eva at 18 months
So our sweet little Eva - is really becoming a lot of work. Within the last week or so she has figured out how to get out of her bed, and how to open the fridge. What 18 month old can do that? Anyway, we took a hilarious video of her figuring out the fridge thing. Enjoy. By the way, any advice on keeping her in bed, or out of the fridge - we would love it!
Dancing Queens
The girls have been taking a ballet/tap/tumbling combo class since September. It is always the highlight of their week. It was especially fun this week because daddy got to go watch, and they did a little Christmas ballet and tap routine for us. Very cute!
Christmas Ballet Routine
Monday, December 8, 2008
Wish you were here!
I really do wish you were here today. So, I usually make a big Walmart grocery trip about once a month. It's not super close, but I can't bear to pay the prices of the local grocery store because I know I can get it so much cheaper at Walmart. Anyway, so today I left with the girls early (so we wouldn't have to worry about it being too busy) and trekked to Walmart. As you are all aware, I have 3 girls (one too many to fit in the already extended cart) and I have a very huge tummy - that draws lots of attention. Well, I shouldn't say that just my tummy draws attention, but the whole circus altogether draws a lot of attention. So, anyway... we were checking out - and of course we had a full cart - so I needed to go get another cart so we could put the bagged groceries into it while I was still taking groceries out of the other one (this is very common for many of you - and isn't the first time for me either - but it gets better). We filled up 2 carts with groceries and kids. I asked for help out to my car - but of course became impatient waiting for anyone and decided to do it myself. So here I am - this huge pregnant lady, with 3 kids in the extended children seat at the back of the cart - pushing one cart and pulling another. Did I mention that I had so many groceries that I even had them underneath. Well, that's important because I get close to the door and I lost something from the bottom but didn't realize it because it was from the back cart. So I thanked the nice person who picked it up for me - but didn't offer to help me out to the car - and kept going. Then I get to the second door and lose something else. Then as I turn to pick that up, Eva jumps out of the cart and dashes across the street. Thank goodness everyone was so enthralled with this huge women and her convoy that they noticed Eva getting out and didn't hit her. So you think that's enough - no, I start across the street (and by the way I now caused a traffic jam in the store of people trying to get out the doors) and then I lose 3 gallons of milk all over the street. The bell ringer stopped and came and helped me pick them up (nice man!). I did make it the rest of the way to my car, and after 20 minutes of packing the car, and 1 hour putting groceries away - I was finally done. But, I have to say I did start contracting and thought I might possible have the twins today - but alas... I still probably have one more Walmart trip in me. But next time I wish you were here!!!!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Baby Update
We has another ultrasound on Wednesday and got some great news on the babies. They are doing great and are both measuring 4 lbs. 0 oz., which is above average in size for 31 weeks. So, I am grateful they are healthy, but hope that they don't continue to pack it on too fast. I still have a ways to go!!!
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