Friday, May 1, 2009

The Twins at 3 months

Worn out from pictures

p.s. - I love the baby gap, thanks Ashlee for these onsies


Adam and Cassie Pierson said...

Hey Lisa, this is Cassie back from HS/Los Alisos Ward. Your children are so beautiful and you amaze me with everything you have done. I have two and nanny another and that is enough to kill me. :)

I have a really random question... where did you get that blue blanket in the last picture? It is the exact replica of my daughter's "blankie" and we can't find it anywhere... just in case tragedy strikes and blankie goes missing.

Again, congratulations!

Ashlee said...

I can't believe how much they look a like! I guess I'm just used to Deb's twins and they look nothing like each other. They are adorable. I can't wait until I get to meet them!

NJ said...

Wow! They are looking so adorable!! How fun! And a full day at the spa... that's amazing! What a husband!

Kristen said...

So cute! They are growing fast. I think Tate looks a lot like Kiah and Talee is a mix of Malea and Eva! The girls say hi, and we miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

Those are some cute babies!!!!

Cheryl said...

They are growing up so fast! While twins can wear you right out, there is nothing like seeing your two babies together. Even though mine are all getting older, they still melt my heart when they play together (the boys) or hold hands (the girls).

Miss you!