We were so lucky to have my mom come and see us again for 10 days. Last week was final exams for the semester and my mom came to help out while he was away all week studying and taking exams. She
definitely wore me out. I wasn't used to getting out of the house much with all the kids especially - and each day I had a different place (or places) that we had planned to run. Joseph had been so proud of me for doing so well on our budget the last 3 months - not getting out of the house does wonders on not spending any money - but, I think we made up for the 3 months at home. But, I think he is reassured knowing that now that she is gone I won't be getting out much again. We had a great time. Mom, thanks for coming! And, by the way - Joseph did great on his finals!!

The Incline
Looks like fun! I was laughing out loud about Kiah's comment about the prophet. Too funny!
Isn't family the best. You are so lucky to have so many visitors!
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