My kids have this fascination lately with Scooby-Doo. So you can imagine what kind of cake Eva wanted for her 3rd birthday. I have to admit, the cake making is always a fun part of our kids birthdays. This time Joseph was feeling a little left out and decided that he wanted to make the cake. So, yes ... JOSEPH made Eva's cake. Which makes perfect sense since Eva LOVES her daddy!!! He even did it within the specifications from Eva and the girls (it had to have a collar, and it had to have chocolate sprinkles). I was very impressed! But, then again Joseph still impresses me! :-) Eva really loves her friend Lainey and is going to really miss her when she moves!
Our babies sure loved it too!!! Talee even at the cake this time, which she didn't touch on her own birthday!
Holy Cow Joseph! That was one awesome cake! Happy Birthday Day to Eva...late! Love you guys!
LOVE how the cake turned out! :) SO FUNNY
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